If you’re like me, you’ve been getting or are about to be getting questions from people on your campus about all this SOPA and PIPA news and legislation and what it could mean to sites, including our .edu websites.
I saw this video today that really breaks down what the bill is and what it will mean to web users. I can imagine higher ed sites could be targeted quite a bit.
Ok, this actually scares me!
I trust you have contacted your representative Mike.
Indiana Residents-
1st – Pete Visclosky
2nd – Joe Donnelly
3rd – Marlin Stutzman
4th – Todd Rokita
5th – Dan Burton
6th – Mike Pence
7th – André Carson
8th – Larry Bucschon
9th – Todd Young
This map tells you who your congressional representative is and what their contact information is.
Stop SOPA! This goes against the basic principals of the constitution if you ask me. If America is fun on freedom, then something is going down in America.
Uhm, yeah, stop the evil SOPA… not the good SOPA, please… http://www.sopa.dk 🙂