This past summer, while staying in a dorm at a conference at Smith College, I blogged about how spending the night on your campus would be a great learning experience for marketing and other folks on campus. It would be a chance to really experience day-to-day student life, and that I think would be a valuable bit of knowledge to have.
Today, I’m doing something similar, but a little bit different. I’m eating some dog food, just in a new and different flavor.
I’m going to a college fair (at the high school I went to) with one of our admissions counselors.
Why? To learn. I want to learn more about the admissions process and really grasp the communication flow that we as an institution have with students. I get how they do it on the web, but the web isn’t the only piece of the admissions marketing puzzle.
I’m excited and nervous. If you are an admissions expert who has done this a million times, please give me some tips or things to pay attention to.
What an awesome idea! I so want to do that with our recruiters. I think understand the admission process and seeing first hand questions that are asked is a great way to understand our web visitor and utimately provide a better user experience.
Good luck! Are you going to share your experience after the fact?