I missed the actual day a few weeks ago, but March marks the one year anniversary of the start of this blog.
I started it to both fill what I saw as a need in the higher ed blogosphere as well as for selfish reasons. I wanted to learn WordPress and I wanted a place I could flesh out some ideas and explore topics that interest me. I think I’ve accomplished that thus far. I celebrated the anniverary this week by re-skinning the site and adding in some new features.
Here are the 5 most popular topics from the first year of this site:
1. Season Your Passwords With Salt
2. Have you made your FriendFace profile yet?
3. Do you have an iPhone icon for your school?
4. QR Codes: Is it time?
5. YouTube Goes Widescreen and HD
Thank you for reading this siteand for leaving great, though-provoking comments. Thank you for subscribing to the RSS feed. Thanks for following me on Twitter. Thanks to Brad and Matt for including this site in BlogHighEd.org. Thanks to Karine for including it several times in her weekly newsletter.
Here’s to a successful year two. I’ll try to bring you great content and hope to meet as many of you as I can at conferences and presentations around the world over the next year.
I’ll leave you with a song from one of my favorite albums.
Congratulations, Mike!
Thanks for sharing great news and tips about the latest technologies. This blog definitely fills a need.
It took me about five months to realize you were writing this blog–some wife you have, huh? Good work though. Happy anniversary!
Congratulations Mike, always a great source for technology. And the occasional song you just sucked me into buying on iTunes. 🙂 Good stuff