In 2009, I was fortunate enough to both attend and present at the Institutional Web Management Workshop, held at the University of Essex. Not only did I meet many great people, I learned a great deal about the web, and about the differences UK and US university web teams face (not to mention many similarities.)
If you’re in the UK or EU, I’d recommend you check it out. If you’re in the US, it’s also worth checking out. Cash in those frequent flyer miles – the sessions were very informative and organizers Brian Kelly and Marieke Guy do a great job in putting together a compelling program. It’s not an easy time for higher education in the UK right now, so any tips, tricks and best practices that web professionals can learn will be well worth it.
From the conference call for propsals:
Last year we recognised that turbulent times were ahead. We are now working in different political, economic and environmental times. Yet change brings with it many opportunities. There are opportunities to reform old systems, to adapt working practices, to look at new markets, to work with new partners, to consider niche areas and to embrace new technologies. This year’s theme will be: Responding to Change.
This year’s conference will be held July 26-27, 2011 at the University of Reading. The deadline for proposal submission is February 4, 2011.
I’m thinking of submitting a plenary talk – I’ll just have to check under the couch cushions for some money for airfare.