I’m in Boston for the penultimate session of NERCOMP and Educause’s IT Leaders training series. It was another great day dealing with conflict management and career planning.
The career planning session really hit home and the facilitators, Colleen Wheeler of Wheaton College and Eric Bird of Mass. College of Art and Design presented some dynamite content.
One of the videos they showed was this one, from Ted. In it, Richard St. John described 8 secrets to success that he gathered from years of attending Ted and talking with hundreds of successful people.
I agree with a few things mentioned in the talk. If one has a passion to pursue a goal and devote lot of time and energy to achieve it, it can be done.
I agree with a few things in this talk. If one is motivated and is determined to achieve a goal and devotes time and energy to do it, it can be done. If you can dream it, you can achieve it with proper training and skills.